Sunday, 29 April 2018

Set tough question in easy way

Data on 450 candidates,who took an examination in social science,mathematics and science

Passed in all subjects 167
Failed in all subjects 60
Failed in social science 175
Failed in mathematics 199
Failed in science 191
Passed in social science only 62
Passed in mathematics only 48
Passed in science only 52

How many failed in social science only
How many failed in one subject only
How many passed in mathematics and at least one more subjects
How many failed in two subjects only
How many passed at least in one subject

this question can be done by watching this video

A and B together can do a peace of work in 12 days,which B and C together can do in 16 days.After A has been working at it for 5 Days and B for 7 Days,C finishes in 13 days.In how many days C alone will do the work?

A and B together can do a peace of work in 12 days,which B and C together can do in 16 days.After A has been working at it for 5 Days and B for 7 Days,C finishes in 13 days.In how many days C alone will do the work?

Question 2
P and Q together can do a job in 6 days. Q and R can do the same job in
60/7days. P started the work and worked for 3 days. Q and R continued for 6 days. Then the difference of days in which R and P can complete the job is?
ans 10 days

Such questions can be done by watching this video trick click this

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Age tough question

Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a joint family of eight people added up to 231 years. Three years later, one member died at the age of 60 years and a child was born during the same year. After another three years, one more member died, again at 60, and a child was born during the same year. The current average age of this eight-member joint family is nearest to what ?

Click this video to see how this can be done in mind.